Why You Should Get Cargo Insurance Every Time You Ship

If you are fond of using the services of freight trucking companies, but you never insure your cargo, then your last shipment should be the last without insurance. There are numerous reasons why you should…

4 Tips to Lower Your Ocean Freight Shipping Costs

If you ship consistently, then you know that freight shipping costs can sometimes go through the roof and if you were bringing in goods for sale, high costs could easily eat into your margins. This is…

How to Choose Freight Trucking Company like a Pro

When you are in the market shopping for a freight trucking company, your desire should be to find the best.  A company that will not just offer you great reliability for the shipment of your cargo, but…

Your Personal Brand in a 3PL Industry

We all need a pay cheque and bills need to be paid, but did you know that you might be diminishing your reputation as an individual? My advice to everyone in this field or entering it for the first time,…

Illusion of Control

Elite Logix – I was once told by one of my senior sales staff that brokerage is the “illusion of control” and there’s not a day that goes by that seems more evident to me. As a veteran of logistics,…